Ornament and Crime: The Decisive Contribution of Adolf Loos "Reyner Banham" REALLY?

In a programmed and somewhat insane world, many of us find a way to be more grounded and try to make sense of the world around us. Humans are like packed animal we want to find our own people, those to share or approximate similar taste or ideology to give us a tiny sense of existence. Ornamentation is a decorative non structural elements, that sometimes brings out the personality of a building.

As artists and designers, we would love to communicate or express ourselves through something that makes sense to you, to test bad found out if others speaks to you in the same languages. One day to leave our mark, our footprint for others to discover or for others to be in awe with. As we know, Mimetic Ornaments have meaning, has a story to tell through nature's values. But to a certain point we have to know does the ornament justify itself as appropriate, from it’s style and cultural or development reference. If considered too much for it’s time can people still accept it? Such subjectivity can be overpowering thus limiting an expression from a person.

But as Banham stated, Loos view on ornamentation is not unpopular, as he 'single handedly ' beaten it, but wasn't praise or thanked by many. Has make ornamentation a victim make it's place in society stronger? Even his own works has elements and style of Ornamentation, which contradicts he's point of view of the poor.

Diagram 1: On left, Masonry facade of the historical Sultan Abdul Samad BuildingOn Right, Sino-Portuguese Shop Houses

To place ornaments similar to tattoos is such a fascination to me, as i never thought of it as a crime or taboo to others. It has always caught my eye when I see local ornamentation on buildings, as it give a personality of the times the building lived through, and it is a very permanent art to be proud of as a Malaysian how detailed buildings can be. I do hope to one day find and show my side of how ornamentation should be or can be. 

To conclude my thoughts, expression is an expression, it is not to be held back by economic or financial factors, but the limitations of freedom! Gwendolyn Chan Mei Yee 1001749034

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