Le Modulor

Le Corbusier

‘Modulor’ or ‘Golden Module’ was derived from Proportioning Grid. This concept was discovered by Le Corbusier, define a standard measurement to certain building by applying human body proportion through mathematical solution. The present of Modulor principle has balanced the elements of a building, inspire consistent and precise creation and boost human to procure infinity findings. God has blessed human, enable human to relish such amazing wisdom, thinking the implementation of geometry and mathematic to the lifestyle.

Luca Pacioli has expressed his perspective on Golden Ratio in <Divina Proportione>, lead people to explore more about the rule. During Renaissance period, it was discovered that human body has been built according to golden rule. However, Golden Ratio actually has become part of our life. When we use the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) to deposit, transfer or take money, we have neglected the debit or credit card is in golden rectangular design. It has equalize the overall card elements and make the scanned data more consistence. The advanced technology has also get touched with Golden Ratio, Jonathan Ive successful design―iPod is one of the extreme well-designed product as it is ubiquitous and place as the top ranking favourite product. This device has focus Golden Ratio as its basic shape. Thus, it seems like cool, unique and neat. Not merely technology world, several business and enterprise has include Golden Ratio in their logo design. For example, the significant Toyota have grid lines at certain separation to form phi-grid. This bring the logo have standardize design as it shows mirrored scene in the axis.

Toyota Logo in Golden Ratio

Proportion, guide people to calculate dimension in a straight way. It provide a sense of equivalence in size relationships within the human body. For building, identical façade has formed to emphasize the presence of repetition in addition to highlight the comfortableness and most special part of a building. In short, portion of the element is act as a whole.

Front Facade of building with proportion lines

Number is in intimate relationship with Modulor. Number allows measurement, promote calculation to be accomplished. In Golden Module, every single number has its meanings even nought do so. During the process of measuring and calculating digits, precise and accurate is consequential as a slight deviation will cause a great difference in the end. To have a better measures, it is invariably to experience, feel the building with worthy heart. Numbering, help human to classify a heap of alike elements, reminder on how many times we have repeat certain action, foster the development of science and stimulate spiritual awareness. 
In a nutshell, architecture should obey the Le Modulor rule. The application of golden section to the measurement has amplify how amazing geometry and mathematic could enhance the beauty of a building by appertaining the concept of proportion. A building should be treated like a human being although it has no breath. But, the structure are both same.

Building and human, unite!

Le Modulor: Golden Section

Written by Wong Rong Song,1001746688

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