Figure 1: Book written by Bernard Tschumi

In this book, Bernard Tschumi talked about the contradiction in architecture. For Bernard Tschumi, the short half-life of function and the inability to know beforehand how people will use a building or place are chief examples of "disorder, collisions, and unpredictabilities entering the field of architecture. Although these challenges seem impossible to archive the rule ridden practice of architecture but then they emancipate architects and their arts.

"So architecture seems to survive only when it saves its nature by negating the form that society expects of it," he writes. "I would suggest that there has never been any reason to doubt the necessity of architecture, for the necessity of architecture is its non-necessity. It is useless, but radically so. Its radicalism constitutes its very strength in a society where profit is prevalent" by Bernard Tschumi.

Figure 2: Disjunction

However, Mr. Tschumi does not originate his arguments from analogies with linguistics or philosophy, but rather from the architecture itself. His writing is relatively clear, even lively because of the very low standards of contemporary architectural theorizing.

Mr. Tschumi's art seems to exist in a hermetic world that lacks the primitive, truly architectural pleasures created by light and shadow, color and texture, expansiveness and enclosure, rhythm and incident. His architecture is an occasion for explication, not joy. Mr. Tschumi repeatedly describes architecture as sensual and pleasurable, but the eroticism he finds in architecture is really an obsession with rules and the architect's desire both to impose and to transgress them. Design is bondage; learn to enjoy it.

Jane Jacob- The Death and Life of Great American Cities

This article is a redefining a large city on why it exist, and what it takes to plan for its development and improvement. Jacob argued that urban planning of a city needs to take place from a street-level perspective. The objective of planning a city need to support, promote and ignite the importance of city streets. This include commercial and residential spaces and a mixture of people from a variety of economic status and background. All planning effort of a city needs to take into account of the people around the neighborhood involved regardless even if the people are poor and uneducated. Any thoughts of simplifying things to make them orderly will destroy the city and its people with it. On the other hand, a city is supposed to be an organized complexity. A city is not a work of art and cannot be treated with as if it were another form of architecture. A city, unlike a small town, is filled with people who are strangers to each other, so any plans have to find ways for strangers from within a neighborhood and from without to be able to co-exist and maybe even learn a little about each other.

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NONsence-PLANing? (Non-Plan Cedric Price)

Is this freedom, too much freedom?

The idea of non-plan was provocative, as it was radical, can't be controlled and no order to some who disagreed with it. But this allows the users who are experiencing it to be  the one creating it's own functional space, the freedom to control it's own indoor weather or usefulness. The size and function can be tweaked by customizing, and it's achievable through an empty canvas, an empty plan.

But can an imagination run that wild? Or can we as planners of space let a random and extreme idea flow with on boundaries?

Balance can help tip the balance back in place. We have to find the right amount of each element to be played on the plate. There's no correct number to be achieve but to be solved with moral and compromise, tolerance and support from each other to be a workable architecture movement.


City planning or the American way of it was thought to be an attack on the current city planning by Jane Jacobs. It is believe to be inadequate to be a safe or beneficial for city to improve or move forward. To be spending a fortune and to not reap anything from it seemed harmful. It is a test lab full of trial and error, to many roles and personnel need to be taken into account to create and be considered.

City planning is important and vital to keep a nation, a society together. Many have conceptual idealism of plans that tweaks and plays with the formation of city planning. Centralized system is usually commonly agreed by logic. I believe strongly in community communication and equal grounds of ideas. Therefore a centralized space can be a great way to ensure a thoroughly connected village. It would be the most fair and equal distant for the majority to be gathered or commuted into the same circle of area.

America, the land of Freedom, a playful ground for dreams to be build and explore into reality. No way of city planning can be perfect for all, but it all can be perfect individually with the right context. At least close to a temporary perfect.

I believe through many trials and attempts things would get better with actions taken:

“In order to rise
From its own ashes
A phoenix First Must Burn.” 
— Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Talents

Peter Eisenman- ''Post-Functionalism''

Peter Eisenman discuss that two different exhibition centre ''Architerrura Razional'' and "Ecole des Beaux Arts" applies a different treatment of form and function nevertheless having the same definition of architecture as function and type. Humanism in architecture is always concern with program and theme or in simple way function and form. Eisenman also discuss between a French hotel with a more variation of floor plan while being masked by a well-proportioned facade on the external, while the English house on the other hand has a regular and formal floor plan and defines the external facade. I agree with the opinion program and form were once contrast design consideration. However as the development of industrialization arise, the balance between form and function was disrupted. Architects from the mid twentieth century began to understand design as form follows function. However the issue is not always about the function but some how rather modernist taste. It is believe that the relationship between form and function is based on culture. Modernist sensibility has to do with a change of thinking attitude towards artifact of the physical world.

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